Throughout the entirety of Unit 9, we learned how to classify species, and the vast amount of creatures already classified, of which being but a small percentage of overall discovered species. Some of these species include Lions, Snakes, and Sea Corals, all belonging to their respective domains in the 8 level system of Taxonomy. Domains are split up into a three domain system, being Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya, and slowly go into more specific taxa, such as orders and classes. In fact, the level system goes domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, group, and species, from biggest to smallest. As the Unit went on, we observed more and more phylums, each with their own classes and defining characteristics. Later on, however, I learned that we had barely scratched the surface of Taxanomy and its species, and became intrigued even more.

As more and more phylums were introduced, our class organized presentations of evolutionary important species. These presentations often emphasized or reinforced ideas taught in vodcasts, but were more specified on organisms that were beneficial to human life. As I did my presentation, I became more aware of these organisms, and understood more about the unit. This was especially in my case, as I researched the Tiktaalik, which was covered more intensely in class through a documentary. In fact, other organisms were specifically mentioned in class that we presented on, including the earthworm and archaeopteryx.
From the many activities that we had in this Unit, I feel that I have improved in my time management. This is mainly because of me and my partner's planning out of 20 time whilst doing this Unit, meeting after school to test everything. Moreover, the planning of the W.E.E. presentation also required some coordinated planning out as I completed vodcasts and homework. Because of these reasons, I feel that I have not only improved in time management, but teamwork and coordination as well.
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