Tuesday, May 23, 2017

20 Time Individual Reflection

This 20-time project did not start earlier this year, but long before that. In my elementary school, I often dreamed of the absurd, plausible or not. However, once I thought of this, I became very interested in sound energy in science, as well as nanotechnology. This led me to my current 20-time project, as I hypothesized from initial research that from the disturbance of a water mass with vibrations caused from sound, I could effectively "make water float on water". This interested Tyler, my partner, as well, who was interested in levitation of objects when we discussed ideas for our 20-time project. Our initial plan was to test the limits of sound, by doing the experiment mentioned beforehand. Thereafter, our main goal became to search for capable materials required for our project. However, this is where our plan began to slow, as getting equipment was slow, and even when this equipment was gained, it was barely suitable for the experiment we were about to test. Nevertheless, we pushed on and initiated our tests. From this, we have determined that while sound can be useful, it is ultimately not completely reliable as an energy source. This information, however, may not be accurate with the equipment used in the given tests.
As the project slowly progressed, I learned a great deal not only about sound and its capabilities, but also about teamwork and coordination. This may be because of the countless times me and Tyler had to plan out time from our schedules constantly in order to progress the project. In fact, many times we had to text each other on multiple days in order to determine whether or not our project time had been blocked by an event at the place we tested at. I feel that if I did have another chance at this project, I would try to plan out all of our meetings at once and put them on a calendar, so as to prevent confusion.
This project may be at its end for now, but I plan to continue this project on my own in order to check practical applications for the amount of power given just by sound. This, of course, will be done in the little free time I have, so I do not expect the research to go anywhere anytime soon, but plan to finish this by at the latest next year, depending on whether Tyler will join me or not. This project was fun, and I hope I am able to participate in something like this in the future.

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