Thursday, April 6, 2017

Hunger Games Final Analysis: 3.30.2017

  1. Throughout the following lab, we separated into different variations of a species, and proceeded to try to oust one another with our traits. This lab simulated natural selection, through the fact that as we were trying to beat each other and survive, the population was slowly becoming more and more like one dominant variation.
  2. The pincher was the best at catching food, as you could use both hands, and the angle of grabbing food was much better than the knucklers, as shown in the graph until year four, in which the pincher population was affected heavily by plastic poisoning.
  3. The population began to evolve at a steady pace in favor of the pincher population, because of their dominance of gathering power. This forced other variations such as the stumpy to become scarce, until the pinchers were affected by poisoning, which allowed knucklers to rise as the next best population, in terms of gathering power.
  4. The lab's biggest disturbance in the natural evolution of the species was the plastic poisoning in year four, which causes a change in dominance from knucklers to pinchers. However, in the last year, there was only one available food source, which damages all variations significantly. until these disturbances, the population shifted towards pinchers.
  5. Events that cause drastic change are found in nature all the time, which allowed multiple variations to survive with dominant ones. This would have been evident if the food was bigger or smaller as a variable in this lab. If the food was larger, stumpies would have been more prevalent, as their jaws are much more wider, while pinchers and knucklers would have died out due to the inability to pick up food. This would have been the opposite had the food been smaller, as it is much easier to pick up more food as a pincher or knuckler than a stumpy.
  6. The results would have made the stumps extinct if incomplete dominance was not available in variation, as well over 90% of the class was a pincher or knuckler. This would imply that without this dominance, stumpies would be outnumbered by pinchers.
  7. Natural selection leads to evolution, in the fact that evolution occurs as a species begins to change. This is driven by natural selection, which is the process of a population changing as time goes on.
  8. Throughout the following lab, some people started to cheat, not following the rules that their variation gave them. While many species cannot defy their bodies, they do not play by the rules, and will do anything that it takes to survive.
  9. In evolution, species with better traits "evolve", or fill up the population. No variation can evolve, only a population, as variations will dominate or stay hidden in populations. Natural selection, however, acts on both phenotypes and genotypes, as while recessive genes will be dominated, they still show up due to heterozygotes.

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