Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Pig Dissection Reflection

        Whilst in the process of this dissection, our group looked at the anatomy of the fetal pig, one similar to our own. Much of this reinforced the content that was covered beforehand, while offering the chance to look at how every system connected with each other in an orderly manner. For example, the esophagus was located right under the trachea and thyroid, and continued throughout the entire body, well into the abdominal cavity. This helped me understand as well how systems intertwined, through function and placement.
        This dissection not only helped me understand the anatomy of the pig, but also empathy and sympathy for the pig. After the dissection, I felt some sympathy for the pig, feeling bad for it, but also kind of understanding it through some empathy. I feel as if I have grown not only through science, but through personality as well.

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