Tuesday, January 10, 2017

New Year Goals: Spring Semester

        Throughout the previous semester, I found myself struggling at first, early into the school year, but eventually gained ground and adjusted to the curriculum that plagued me in the past. This struggle has allowed me to grow, and gives me the opportunity to plan out the next semester, and the rest of my years in high school. Even though most of my work for all of my classes is finished by the time that it is due, the process that I went through to finish it is usually not efficient, taking me multiple hours of extra time trying to finish my jumbled mess of assignments, projects, and self made study sheets.
        This drives me to organize my time more during this semester, as I truly believe that this can save me countless hours in the void that is homework and preparation for upcoming exams. This can be accomplished with my using of earlier resources in class, including the studying habits sheets that I have gotten from multiple different teachers, old and new. In fact, a new studying set up for me could be vital for my education, as the one I use currently is full of distractions.
        This, however, branches into another topic that I will work on, which is participation in class, which goes into not only raising hands and giving answers. While in most of my classes I am quiet and wait for instructions, I do tend to talk more than usual, especially in this class currently. I regret this, however, and will work on this effectively throughout this semester, trying to not get distracted. Although this goal is worth reaching to me, I believe that I cannot prepare for this goal in any way, mostly because you simply cannot prepare for this, but instead have to just put in the effort.
        With these goals in mind, I will work on not getting distracted in general, ranging from at home distractions to in class distractions. Although my behavior and work ethic might not be the best right now when compared to my overall performance in tests and exams, I hope to change that, not only preparing me for the now, but for later, when I am older.

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