Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Candy Electrophoresis Lab

        Throughout the following lab, our group was tasked with the identification of chemicals in food coloring dyes found in most candies. In fact, we found that most dyes were different lengths when compared to the reference dyes, with the yellow band being slightly blue after, so much so being blue and yellow at the same time. The orange dye moved toward the cathode slightly.
        Most of the dyes in this lab can be compared to some other dye structures, such as beatnin, a red dye, and carminic acid, which both have longer strands than other dyes. However, the dyes in this lab would not be comparable to dye structures such as FCF, or Citrus red 2.
        Many dyes are put not only in our food, but in dog food as well. Many consumers do this in order to make the product look more appealing to the customer, as the dog eating the food has no preference. Sadly, this process works, boosting sales more a reasonably profitable amount.
        In the lab, factors controlling the distance of migration of the colored dye solutions included the voltage, as well as the centrifuge time.Voltage also helps move the dyes through the gel in the electrophoresis process. I, however, believe that the buffer is responsible for the fact of DNA molecules separating by size. On the other hand, a more powerful chemical might be used in order to break down DNA molecules with molecular weights of 600, 1000, 2000, and 5000 daltons.

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