Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Unit 2 Reflection: 9.28.2016

       Throughout Unit 2, lessons generally circulated around macromolecules, including specific topics such as enzymes, while describing different types of bonds. As we went through vodcasts, I found myself learning the content of this unit at a steady pace, going back every day or so to review, and quizzing myself. Although some information is still fuzzy when I am asked to remember it, most information is clear. From this, I didn't just learn about things in the unit such as hydrogen bonds or polarity, but how to review work effectively and efficiently. After trying multiple studying techniques, I found something that worked for me and studied specifically with it, learning more than I usually would in a unit.
        As I started my first vodcast for the unit, Macromolecules (Part 1), I learned about how the chapter would mainly consist of different types of macromolecules, and how they interact and help the human body. In the vodcast, I was told about the first two macromolecules, Carbohydrates and Lipids, which are used for energy storage, along with other things. In these two specific macromolecules, I learned about sugar rings in carbohydrates, along with the bland taste and massive energy storage of polyssaccharides. After, I took notes on lipids, realizing that they are, in fact, healthy, benefiting to the body greatly. This is, however, if the lipid is an unsaturated fat, found in things like avocados, to things like cell membranes, its types varying from phospolipids to fatty acids.
        Soon after, I moved onto the next vodcast, Macromolecules (Part 2), which talked about the other two macromolecules, being proteins and nucleic acids. Through this source, I discovered that proteins consisted of two main groups, being structural proteins, which consist of muscles, hair, and nails, along with enzymes, which lower activation time for chemical reactions. Of these enzymes, each has an optimal pH and temperature in which they speed up their chemical reaction.
        In my last vodcast for the section, I learned specifically about enzymes, and how much they really contributed to the human body. Going through the vodcast, I retained information, such as how enzymes are used in almost everything. For example, enzymes are used in things like laundry detergent in order to break down clothes, to things like biotech in order to transform substances into new substances.
        Throughout the Unit, I also participated in various labs, including the Sweetness lab, the Enzyme virtual lab, and the Cheese lab. These labs enhanced my awareness of different macromolecules. For example, the cheese lab emphasized enzymes for proteins, while the Sweetness lab emphasized carbohydrate function in the body.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Sweetness Lab Analysis: 9.15.2016

        In this lab my group asked the question "How does the structure of a carbohydrate affect its taste (sweetness)?" Through the experimentation of this lab, my group found that monosaccharide sugars such as glucose taste sweeter, with the exception of galactose. Going through the lab, my group and I found that sugars having only one sugar ring were more prominent in taste (sweetness) than sugars containing two or more sugar rings. In fact, through our data tables, we found that Glucose had a degree of taste (sweetness) containing 150, with 100 being the base table sugar. Many other groups' data tables showed similar evidence, with the exception of galactose, with a degree of 25. Most other sugars with multiple sugar rings had a degree of 40 or lower, with the exception of sucrose being 100. This data supports our evidence, as most monosaccharides were proven from the data tables to have a more prominent taste (sweetness) than sugars with multiple sugar rings.
        Some data was unexpected because, although there was evidence showing that monosaccharides have more prominent taste (sweetness) than disaccharides and polysaccharides, there were exceptions with glucose and sucrose. Along with this, sugars could have mixed from using one spoon, if only even a little bit. In order to fix this error, you could have multiple spoons for each sugar bowl. Another error including cross contamination of sugars includes the fact of how sugars could have mixed into each other on the same paper towel. To fix this, you would have to have multiple, ripped up paper towels, with one sugar on each.
        This lab was done to demonstrate the function of sugars, and how their properties are affected by their structure. For example, carbohydrate structured with multiple sugar rings is used more for backup energy by organisms, such as when a bear would hibernate, eating a massive amount of polysaccharides, while monossacharides are used more for short nourishment, such as when a fruit is eaten for one meal. However, taste (sweetness) is different in function based on the carbohydrate, with testers putting a roughly higher sweetness degree for monosaccharides, as all people have differently developed tongues, with different sensors for taste. This is cited in NPR, where a scientist explains how taste cells in taste buds are stimulated by different substances, channeled specifically by special ion channels in order for us to figure out how sweet something exactly is. This reminds me of a phone call, as the phone is stimulated by one person calling another. This also reminds me of how the power button stimulates a computer to turn on. Based on my experience from this lab, I could apply this to study on how the brain senses sweetness based on structure from sugar rings, and if this could apply to other types of food, like wheat.


Friday, September 2, 2016

Jean Lab Analysis: 8.31.2016

Throughout the course of this experiment, my group and I asked the question "What concentration of bleach is best to fade the color out of new denim material in 10 minutes without visible damage to fabric?" I found with my group that a bleach solution with a percentage of bleach equaling 25% is the best solution to bleach jeans with, as with the other solutions of bleach equaling 100%, 50%, 12.5%, and 0% either had visible fabric damage, or did not bleach the jeans enough, if at all. In fact, much of the other group's jean fabric turned out similar when bleached with the same solutions. This data supports our cause because our result of bleaching jeans with the 25% solution was supported positively supported by multiple other experiments.
          While our hypothesis was supported by our data, there could have been errors due to the 50% solution having more twice as much solution as every other solution, as well as every beaker, while similar in mass, not being completely equal to their respective solution. This could have affected my group's results by slightly changing the color or fabric damage of the jean pieces. Due to these errors, I would recommend measuring the beaker more carefully, marking it with tape, or paying more attention to directions or stating them in class to direct the students.
          This lab was done to demonstrate the lab process done in experiments, so we can prepare for biology experiments in the future. From this lab I learned how to effectively complete labs, as well as the ability to better understand variables, which helps me understand the concept of variables in general, as well as the lab process. Based on my experience from this lab, I could use what I learned to better complete other biology labs, as well as when I study on my own. This can also be applied to when others want to bleach their jeans.