Monday, March 6, 2017

Story of Stuff

        The "Story of Stuff" explains how broken our economy is in relation to our government. This is illustrated through a diagram, which shows the five steps in our economic system, which has duped the government into favoring corporations, instead of the people. The first step in this diagram is Extraction, where raw materials are striped from the Earth, ruining the land. After this, toxic chemicals are poured into the raw materials in order to make consumables for the public, of which almost none of the chemicals have been tested. Once the products are ready for the public, they are put into stores, where consumers buy products constantly. After they buy new products, they throw their old ones away, which are incinerated into the air, releasing man made toxins into the air. This process is not great, which emphasizes the economy over the environment. However, this system will become obsolete because the environment will not be able to give raw resources to the corporations once depleted. Therefore, the economy would have to change drastically in order for something substantial to happen.
        While the situation seems difficult to get out of, we can help. One method would be through recycling. However, while this method can be useful, it is deafened by the scale of 70 trash cans to every one can of trash that you produce went into. This means that 70 cans of trash went into making the one can of trash that you are throwing away. This is also not a complete option because most products are not recyclable. This means that we as a nation would have to vote to make the government take back power from the corporations, at the cost of our own money. This is proven by the solution of making the government put a tax on extra waste produced. This would make the masses stop buying new things, therefore forcing companies to make more durable, expensive things for products.

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